Three graduates from the UF College of Pharmacy class of 1968, and two from 1964, returned to campus in November to celebrate induction into the Grand Guard Society.

Front Row (l to r) • Melvin “Stan” Norfleet, B.S.Pharm., ’68 • Nancy Kazarian, B.S.Pharm., ’64, and D.P.H. ’67 Back Row (l to r) • Capt. William “Rex” Straughn, B.S.Pharm., ’68 • Jim Norris, B.S.Pharm., ’68 • David Kazarian, B.S.Pharm., ’64
The group enjoyed a private luncheon with Dean Julie Johnson and leadership in the college. The reunion offered them the opportunity to share memories from their college days and learn about recent developments in the UF College of Pharmacy. The graduates also participated in several activities sponsored by the UF Alumni Association, including the Grand Guard Induction Ceremony, where they dressed in traditional orange and blue graduation robes and were formally inducted into the Grand Guard Society. Those who participated in the UF College of Pharmacy’s Grand Guard celebration were: