The Crisafi Challenge continues reaching new heights, as the student recruitment scholarship fundraising campaign raised a record $115,900 in total commitments in 2018. The total includes a $50,000 gift from Bob Crisafi, ’56, who challenged alumni and friends of the UF College of Pharmacy to match and exceed his donation during a 10-day period. More alumni and friends of the college supported the Crisafi Challenge in 2018 than ever before, with 189 individuals committing gifts. Every penny raised will be shared with deserving pharmacy students entering the college in fall 2019.
Help us meet our $100,000 goal in 2019.
Give to the Crisafi Challenge today.
- Charity Ackerman
- Paul Ackerman
- Jorge Acosta
- Carl & Joan Allison
- Carl Allison III
- Adel Alrwisan
- Constance Alsbrook
- Clare Anderson
- Jonathan Arnon
- Greg & Elizabeth Astle
- Bonnie Avery
- Alfred Baber
- Maria Barditch
- Diane Beck
- Dawn Bell
- Vincent Bilotti
- Bob & Bunny Blood
- John & Carolyn Boyle
- Richard Bragdon
- Brent Brown
- Joshua Brown
- Daniel Buffington
- Melissa Campo
- Larisa Cavallari
- Teresa Cavanaugh
- Nicholas Cavis
- Lindsey Childs-Kean
- Diana Ching
- Susan Chodakiewitz
- Jennifer Ciccone
- Alexander Cobb
- Jeffry Consaul
- Rhonda Cooper-
DeHoff - Maria Cordero
- David Crane
- Robert & Barbara Crisafi
- Deborah Crumb
- Stacey Curtis
- Adria Davis
- Anne Davis
- Jeffrey Delafuente
- Monica Delaorra
- David & Christina DeRemer
- Katelyn Dervay
- Meredith Diamond
- Eric Dietrich & Nicole Maltese
- Mary Ann Dillon
- Yousong Ding
- Seven & Judith DiOrio
- Kevin & Alyssa Duane
- Debra Flanagan
- Fred Floyd
- Reginald Frye
- Richard Fuller
- William Garst
- Genentech, Inc.
- Francis Giglio
- Steve Gillis
- Joyce Glicksberg
- Matthew Goldstein
- Cassandra Goodson
- Valerie Griffith
- John Gums
- Ed & Ann Hamilton
- Mark & Mary Haumschild
- Jacquelyn Heisler
- Stephanie Henley
- Jacob Henson
- Juan Hincapie Castillo
- Cecilia Hines
- Mark & Kim Hobbs
- Gary & Connie Hogrefe
- Max Hurley
- Brynn Huysman
- Caitlin Jackson
- Casey Jackson
- Lisa & Mike Jackson
- Margaret James
- Mark Jaochico
- Donald Johnson
- Julie Johnson
- Irvin Jones
- Maureen Keller-Wood
- Adonice Khoury
- Beth King
- Gerald Koff
- Ashlan Kunz Coyne
- Luis Lamela
- Bruce Laughrey
- Gary Levin
- James Lewis
- Bin Liu
- Hendrik Luesch
- Michael MacLeay
- James Marcantonio
- Oscar Marina
- John Markowitz
- Albert Marshall
- Christopher McCurdy
- William McSkimming
- Thomas Menighan
- John Merianos
- Kassandra Miller
- William Mo
- Cary Mobley
- Joan Morales
- Carol Motycka
- Valerie Moussou
- John Murphy
- Thomas Musgrave
- Michael & Kay Mustard
- Paul Myron
- David Newton
- Addison Nguyen
- Sven Normann
- Jennifer O’Donnell
- Sally Oldson
- Norma Padgett
- Byron Padilla
- Larry Pahigian
- Robert Pasquariello
- Charles Peloquin
- Charles Petalas
- Kathy Petsos
- Jeenu Philip
- Marjorie Phillips
- Nicholas Piccicacco
- Megan Poole
- David Potter
- Philip Powell
- T. A. Robertson
- George & Linda Romano
- Steven & Dora Rubin
- Amy Safaty
- Bethany Sands
- Jacquelyn Schaefer
- Thomas & Janet Schmittgen
- Michael Schneider
- Richard Segal
- Geoffrey Selvage
- Ralph Sheffler
- Ashley Shipley
- Craig & Donna Shipley
- Jenna Smith
- Steven Smith
- Susan Sorrells
- Kristy Sowerby
- Albert Tagarelli
- Nicholas Tambone
- Stephen Tarallo
- Lindsey Tincher
- Michael Ujhelyi
- Constance Upshaw
- John Waldo
- Robert Walker
- David Wallace
- William Weathers Jr.
- Kristin Wiisanen
- Kristin West
- Gina Willard
- Kevin Wilson
- Vickie Wilt
- Almut Winterstein
- Suzanne Wise
- Benjamin & Nancy Wong
- Ellen Woods
- Anna Wynn-Turner
- Chengguo Xing
- Michael Yount
- Guangting Zheng
- Daohong Zhou
- Elizabeth Zipper